You’ve gotten into an accident and you’ve followed New Jersey law, called the police, and have pulled over into a safe space. What you do and say over the next several hours will make a huge impact on whether you’re able to hold a negligent driver accountable for your injuries.  #1) Failing to Watch Your…

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One of the most common questions our law firm receives is the question of whether any given client’s case is likely to go to trial. The prospect of going to trial typically makes our clients very nervous, as going to court isn’t really a daily affair for anyone other than lawyers. The answer is, of…

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If you’ve recently been injured in a personal injury case you may be wondering if you can go to work without harming your case. After all, you need to get some income into your home, and you can’t wait the months and months that it will take to resolve your case before you pay your…

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After depositions, most personal injury cases move into mediation, also known as a settlement conference. 92% of all cases settle during this conference, which means it’s important to understand how it works.  Every mediation is overseen by a trained mediator. This person is usually a former judge or an attorney, someone who can act as…

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It can take time for a personal injury lawsuit to unfold. It’s important to have realistic expectations when you first contact an attorney about your case.  In many cases the entire case will take about a year and a half from the day you first talk to the lawyer to wrap itself up.  You’ve read…

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The value of your personal injury claim can depend a great deal on what you do directly after the accident. Many personal injury cases are won, lost, or devalued long before they get to the courtroom. There are several steps you can take to make sure you get as much money as possible when you…

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New Jersey is a no-fault car insurance state.  This means that when you get into a car accident, there’s no determination of fault. Your insurance policy pays for your accident, and the other driver’s insurance policy pays for theirs. This means that even dealing with your own insurance company can be a little bit fraught,…

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One reason many of our clients initially hesitate to contact us is they don’t know if they have grounds for a personal injury claim. They also aren’t sure if their case is strong enough to proceed. This reticence can hurt, as it can mean you spend way too much time dealing with insurance companies directly.…

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